There are generally two ways to cook rice, the total absorbtion method, or, the boil and drain method. The latter loses the most starch from the rice and helps create individual, separate grains, so that's how I'll cook my rice for this dish.
First of all, wash your rice well at least a couple of times. Measure your rice out, tip it into a pan and fill with water, stir with your fingers until the water goes cloudy, drain the water and repeat until the water stays virtually clear when stirred.
IMPORTANT! Cook in a pan that has a tight fitting lid.

- Soak the washed rice in water for 30 mins
- drain and rinse, then replace with 1 & 1/2 pints of fresh water
- add 3 cardamom pods, 2 cloves & 1 good tsp salt

- bring to the boil & simmer until the rice is soft on the outside, but still a little firm in the middle 7 - 10 mins
- meanwile, put the warm the milk into a cup & add the saffron

- allow the saffron to infuse into the milk for a few mins
- when the rice is nearly cooked, carefully drain the rice through a seive & put it back into the pan
- sprinkle the saffron milk all over the rice

- put it back onto a very low heat with a tight fitting lid for 7 - 10 mins
- when cooked, take off the heat & allow it to stand with the lid on for another 5 mins
- stir gently with a fork to coax the grains of rice apart
- transfer to a warm serving dish
For the perfect dinner, serve with fish fillets with chilli sauce.

Head over to my Fish Fillets with Chilli Sauce Recipe to make the perfect fish to impress :¬P